11 unwritten laws of sex

Filthy, Beautiful Sex
4 min readFeb 16, 2024

Fucking, sucking, bum fun, and kink, there are plenty of ways to get your kicks, but do you know the unspoken rules of sex? A recent internet post has led to much debate, so for the record, here’s our take on it…

Don’t play dirty

We’re not talking about being really rude to one another or SCAT play (whatever rocks your boat), we’re talking about real dirt. There’s no excuse for bad hygiene, be it body odor, grubby nails, or a whiffy vag or cock. If your partner is gagging during a blowjob, it should be because they’re giving it all deep-throating, not because of a cheesy knob.

Don’t go in dry

In an ideal world, we’d all be turned on and juicy before sex, but sometimes that’s just not the way it goes. Penetration should be more glide and slide than push and shove. When it comes to sex, lube is your friend, and not just for anal. Lube is great for vaginal fun and sex toys too.

Don’t roll over and go to sleep

You’ve just finished screwing and you’ve got that sexual afterglow going on, you’re feeling so content that you roll over and go to sleep. Meanwhile, your lover silently fumes, arms crossed, lying in a wet spot and feeling dejected. Spend some post-sex time together and cuddle, chat, relax, or share a drink. Then you can at least drift off to dreamland together, entwined…



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